#Main logging indication EnableLogs=False #Debug detailing level #Default: full debug # 0 - nothing # 3 - critical errors # 5 - critical info # 10 - errors # 30 - warnings # 40 - info # 50 - additional info # 60 - full info DebugLevel=40 #Every run will create log files on device with this prefix. /data/misc/HdcpLogs folder should be pre-created in the device #if commented\removed, no logs will show LogPath=/data/misc/HdcpLogs LogFile=HDCP_TSMT #Merge the client logs into logcat #comment out \ remove to disable LogcatLogs=True #sfs dir, comment out \ remove to enable default root dir (/persist/data) UserRootDir = /secure #HLOS data dir, comment out \ remove to enable default root dir (/data/system) HlosDataDir = /data/system #number of Max LC reconnection retries #if commented \ removed it will use default (1024) HdcpLcRetries=1024 #inter LC reconnection retries delay #if commented \ removed it will use default (25) HdcpLcRetryDelay=25 #overall connection timeout #remove \ comment to use default (10000) DownstreamOverallTimeout=10000 #whether supports multi receivers (default is false) MultiReceivers=False #Which Hdcp Version to use #if removed\commented it is 2.1 #0 := unknown #1 := 2.0 #2 := 2.1 #3 := 2.2 DxHdcpVer=3 #Avoid HDCP timeouts AvoidTimeouts=False #This parameter is to be set to true for working against Cavium's dongle which closes control port once the authentication is completed AllowCloseControlSocket=False