// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Contact dialing grammar. // // For completeness. On the client side $CONTACT is added and $VOICE_DIALING // and $TARGET are defined either as: // 1) $VOICE_DIALING = $CONTACT_AND_DIGIT_DIALING; // $TARGET = $CONTACT; or // 2) $VOICE_DIALING = $DIGIT_DIALING; // If contact list is not available. tag-semantics ; $root = /0.07/ $VOICE_DIALING | /0.93/ $OTHER; $CONTACT_AND_DIGIT_DIALING = /0.95/ $CONTACT_CALLING | /0.05/ $DIGIT_DIALING; $CONTACT_CALLING = [please] ((/0.94/ $CONTACT_CALL | /0.03/ dial | /0.02/ phone | /0.01/ get) {_call}) {______} $TARGET {______} $SUFFIX; $CONTACT_CALL = /0.87/ call | /0.08/ (make a [phone] call to) | /0.05/ (place a [phone] call to); $SUFFIX = [$MOBILE | $WORK | $HOME]; $HOME = ([at | at $PRON] | [on | on $PRON_THE]) $HOME_BASE [phone]; $ON_AT = /0.85/ on | /0.15/ at; $MOBILE = ([$ON_AT | $ON_AT $PRON] | [$ON_AT | $ON_AT $PRON_THE]) $MOBILE_BASE [phone]; $WORK = ([at | at $PRON] | [on | on $PRON_THE]) $HOME_BASE [phone]; $PRON = (his | her | their); $PRON_THE = $PRON | the; $HOME_BASE = (home | house) {_p1}; $MOBILE_BASE = (mobile | cell | cellular) {_p2}; $WORK_BASE = (business | work | office) {_p3}; $DIGIT_DIALING = [please] ((/0.7/ $DIGIT_CALL | /0.22/ dial | /0.08/ phone) {_call}) [the number] {______} $LITERAL_NUM {______}; $DIGIT_CALL = /0.75/ call | /0.17/ (make a [phone] call to) | /0.08/ (place a [phone] call to); $LITERAL_NUM = $digit<7-15>; $digit = $digit0 | $digit1 | $digit2 | $digit3 | $digit4 | $digit5 | $digit6 | $digit7 | $digit8 | $digit9; $digit0 = (0 {_d0}); $digit1 = (1 {_d1}); $digit2 = (2 {_d2}); $digit3 = (3 {_d3}); $digit4 = (4 {_d4}); $digit5 = (5 {_d5}); $digit6 = (6 {_d6}); $digit7 = (7 {_d7}); $digit8 = (8 {_d8}); $digit9 = (9 {_d9}); $OTHER = ($OTHER_WORDS<1->) {_other}; $OTHER_WORDS = the | be | to | of | and | a | in | that | have | i | it | for | not | on | with | he | as | you | do | at | this | but | his | by | from | they | we | say | her | she | or | an | will | my | one | all | would | there | their | what | so | up | out | if | about | who | get | which | go | me | when | make | can | like | time | no | just | him | know | take | person | into | year | your | good | some | could | them | see | other | than | then | now | look | only | come | its | over | think | also | back | after | use | two | how | our | work | first | well | way | even | new | want | because | any | these | give | day | most | us ;